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About Me

I’m Alicia Fiammetta, founder of Magha Yoga. Since 2009, I have been practicing and studying yoga, fitness, psychology, and philosophy. The focus as I first started my yoga practice was strictly on a physical level. I did it for a good stretch and as a way to stay in shape. However, after experiencing more than just physical results, I decided to take my practice to the next level. Over the years I have practiced and studied several different health systems and many styles of yoga and energy work all over the country. I have learned that the ancient yoga practice has been diluted, especially in the western culture, where the focus is predominately on the physical poses. The style of yoga that I teach is firmly based on the idea that union with Self is the true essence of yoga. It is my belief that honoring beauty from the inside, cultivates beauty on the outside. 

It brings me great joy to share my knowledge about living a holistic lifestyle with others. I aim to provide the best methods possible to help people purify their lives and pursue every individual opportunity to grow on all levels. 

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